For starters:
Zaylee got to sit on Santa's lap TWICE this year. She was VERY excited about it. The first time was at our ward Christmas party. The whole time she kept talking to us all about what she was going to ask him (like where his reindeer were) and what she wanted for Christmas. She sat willingly and was perfectly content to be there but she got completely gun-shy. She didn't say a word. She stared straight ahead at some random spot on the wall and completely froze. As soon as she got off, she started telling Alex all about how she got to sit on Santa's lap and how he told her about his reindeer (I asked about them for her). She just didn't dare to say an actual word TO HIM. It was great! =) The ward took photos but I haven't gotten it yet so no photo accounts of that one.
The second time she got to sit on Santa's lap was at the La Verkin Christmas party. This time she was all prepared. We talked to her about how she actually had to SAY something to Santa in order to get it. Once again, she was completely stoked about it. She kept practing all week about how when she sat on his lap she was going to ask for a "dolly and a horse." She had it down perfect. And when the time came, she nailed it!! She sat, he asked, she told. It was great! =) The photo didn't turn out great but this is what I got:
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