It hasn't been an overly busy summer but definitely a fun one!
The last post before this one was just before the 4th of July so we will start there.
For the 4th we had a blast in LaVerkin! We started with a swim in the Virgin River,
We watched the parade,
Enjoyed all the spoils,
Got Zaylee's first face paint (the final product didn't turn out to well so you just get the preview....),
And watched Grandpa get dunked!!
That night the fireworks were awesome!
Next on the agenda....CAMPING! For this trip we went west to North Willow Canyon near Grantsville.
We were visited by a cow,
Played in the nearby stream,
Built rock houses from our rock collection,
And watched as Alex climbed and declared himself as King of the Rocks!
Our next camping trip was to Yuba Lake. The water and sand were fun! The wind was INSANE! As a pictures! Zaylee loved it all until she was hit with the big sand blast and then we enjoyed time in the tent playing cards, prepping dinner, eating, and just all around playing inside. Speaking of tents....luckily (I guess you could put it that way) earlier that morning our zipper broke and Alex had to drive to the closest town to buy a new bigger one--so at least it was roomy!
After Yuba we decided for our next family outing a hotel would be a nicer way to go. So for our anniversary we decided to pack up and head to Fort Collins, CO!!
Did we know anything about it before we got there: NO!!
Did we have fun: YES!!
Did I take any pictures:
Following vacation, we kept ourselves busy with the starting back up of school, baptisms for the nephews, baby blessings, and continuing working on applications for Alex's 4th year. He's applying for the Air Force and it's quite the process!! But, he's got an interview on Thursday so keep your fingers crossed!!
On the weekend of the baptisms, while Alex and Zaylee had fun in LaVerkin I stayed up here and enjoyed the company of my family--including a hike back up to Donut Falls. This would be the third trip this year. The first was a previous post and the second, I didn't take any pictures. Actually I didn't from this trip either but I am using these photos courtesy of Kurt & Jill (sorry I didn't ask guys but I know you love me and don't mind, right???)
And you can see more on Steph's blog
And now you (or at least I) am almost up to date.
There are a few other fun things that have happened like our getting to go to The Scarlet Pimpernel for free (Thanks Greg & Carolyn!!), pine nut hunting--yep, just hunting, no finding--with Grandpa Gubler, Levi's family, and Rayn's family (that was a ton of fun guys! Thanks for letting Zaylee and I come! I wish I would've taken pictures!!) getting to go to St. George and to go through the temple with Uncle Lynn and Aunt Sandra, Alex's interview with Dixie Hearing and Balance (we still haven't heard back on that one yet), and Witches Night Out (Kasey and Saddie took pictures so check with them if you want to see how awesome we all looked!!)
Now finally, a preview for our Halloween:
In case you don't want to watch the video:
And what you may ask has this litte cutie pie been doing during this WHOLE update??
(Yes, that is a glare she's giving me!)
So...GOOD-BYE!!! (But hopefully not for the next 3 months!) I'm going to play with her! =)
Zaylee is so cute. Sounds like you guys had a great busy summer.
LOVE the Care Bear Stare!!! She is SO dang cute!!
She is too funny! I love this age : )
She is getting too big!! What a cutie :)
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