--Found his toes (and thinks they are pretty tasty as well!)
--Started rocking on his hands and knees which led to.....
--Can get himself to a sitting position from any other position
--TRYS to pull himself up in his crib, next to the couch, or up my leg if I'm not holding him--update since I first typed this.....He CAN pull himself up in his crib and bounce when he is ticked!
--Started eating jar foods (shockingly, green beans seem to be his favorite so far!)
--And discovered SHADOWS--he thinks these are especially awesome!
Other things he loves:
--Watering the garden with daddy
--People watching
--Playing with toys, remotes, water bottles, phones, diapers, wipes, etc....yep, anything he can get his hands on!! (Baby proofing has begun....) =(
Reaching out to give loves:
In action:
We love you Jack!!
So stinkin cute!! Not even going to recognize him when we see him. I can't believe all the things he learned this month!! He's is gonna be a genius like his parents!! Love you baby Jack!!
he is really cute. we can hardly wait to meet this guy. and green beans, really? good for him.
Cute Jackers!!
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