Zaylee with Shrek the first day we got him--we had had the little ones for quite awhile but the big one was a gift from her adopted grandma--our primary president that was just released.

For Zaylee's naptimes the first few weeks after getting her new Shrek she had to have her naps with ALL of her Shrek toys (Don't ya just love her chubby little face!!) =)

Mom and Zaylee coloring time--it actually ended up being Mom and Shrek cast coloring time. Zaylee made sure each character had their own crayon and if I tried to borrow it from them she freaked out at me!

On a side note, I was just given new primary counselor duties. Now I am over 8-10 year old Cub Scouts and am absolutely clueless! SO all you primary wonder women out there any clues you could give me on how to fulfill my calling would be GREATLY appreciated! =) Thanks!!! (No, really, I am serious I want you to leave me messages or call me or email me or anything...I really need your help!!!)
She is such a cutie Nicole. Good luck with the calling but I'm afraid I'm of no help there.
You better talk to your sister. I think my mom was in Primary and Scouts the whole time I was growing up. At least until I went to Young Womens. Then she went with me.
That is cute she likes Shrek and is not scared of it! Good luck on doing cub scouts. I am the counselor over Activity Day girls, I would not have the first clue about scouts!!
Awwww! Yes I love her chubby cheeks. They're adorable! Wish I had some advice about your calling...I would be clueless as well.
My boy is obsessed with Shrek too! What is it about him?
Holy Moses! You didn't tell me about the gigantic Shrek! That thing is bigger than her! (Hey, I have an Elmo about that size if you want to add to the collection of LARGE toys you are more than welcome to it!! :) I keep trying to get Andrew to give it to someone! I love the coloring time! That is hilarious that she gave them all their own crayons! I can't believe you would even think of "borrowing" from them! Too much fun! I wanna come play!
Sorry I am NO help with the scouting thing. Sounds like you better call LeAnn! :)
If you're the counselor over scouts, all you really need to do is attend monthly round table and act as a liaison between the scout leaders and your primary pres. That's it! Just support your scout leaders and keep the pres updated on what the scouts are up to. Now if you're OVER them, as in you ARE the 8-10 year old leader, then just grab the wolf/bear/webelos books and read up. They tell you everything you need to know.
So cute! Isn't it so funny what they suddenly get obsessed over. Just wait in a few more weeks it will be something else.
So cute and getting so big!! Good luck with scouts!! My dad was over scouts FOREVER while we were growing up!
we all chuckled about the BIG shrek guy. that Zaylee is a funny one. a new calling, eh? you're in for some fun. they have a fast start and a basic training and round table. you'll learn a lot there (at round table). i've found most things are kind of, get in and and figure things out, doing. happy birthday to my favorite 7 years younger brother!
how adorable Nicole! So cute!!!
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