Oh my goodness how time flies!! I can't believe that this time last year I only had one month to go. Man was my belly sticking out then! (Unfortunately, I still have a little bit of that chubb left, URGH!!) This month has been busy for Zaylee. She got her first 2 teeth, learned how to walk, figured out how to stand up by herself in the middle of the room (without something to help her), went geocaching for the first time, and is finally down to waking up only once and sometimes twice a night! (I really wish that I could add potty-trained at this point but I know that that is a LONG shot--and no, I haven't been trying to, I am just sick of the diapers already!) =)
Here's a couple of pictures of her today to stick with tradition of a monthly photo. I didn't really get any good shots but here is a couple that I took. The first one is by the ivy and lilac trees in our backyard and the second is her riding in our neighbors barbie car. She loved being pushed around and getting to steer the car herself--it didn't work very well, but she sured tried!
I can't believe how clever she is! My kiddies were on the slow side when starting to walk. We are trying potty training for Eve and she hasn't made friends with her potty just yet.
Zaylee has way more hair than Eve. We can't even use barrettes yet. I can't wit to get into all that cute stuff.
I am thinking about starting a little business, but I'm just doing my research first.
11 months old and so developed wow. Zaylee is so cute. Glad she's almost sleeping through the night. Now that will be a milestone. lol
I want to steal Zaylee! She is so smiley-well, she is in all her pictures at least. She is precious.
what a cute 11 month old! I'm sad to hear she isn't sleeping through the night yet, Natalie woke me up 4times last night... ugh.
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